Law and Gospel: Part 3 - Letter From Pastor Evan

The Gospel is Good News! Our sins have been forgiven because of Christ’s finished work! Now what? Do we keep the Law again? Do we act as though the Law never existed? Is the Gospel all there is now?

Part 2 – The Gospel…Continued

There is a thing in theology called the “third use of the Law,” that meets us with/after the Gospel. Remember, the Gospel’s declaration is that “it is finished” and that Jesus paid our debt and we receive it simply by faith! “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast,” (Ephesians 2:8,9). The Gospel is always God’s work and He has finished the work all on His own!

With such an incredible declaration concerning us, we can be tempted to go one of two ways as we live out our lives in faith. One way is to ignore sin and keep sinning because we know that grace will cover them, and the other is to feel as though we must work to keep on earning God’s grace. But neither of these are true!

When we ignore sin and keep sinning knowing that God will forgive, we cheapen God’s grace. In Romans 6:1-2 it says, “Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?” When we realize the weight of our sin and what it cost Jesus to forgive us of it, how could we treat sin as though it is no big deal? Maybe you’re familiar with Mothers/Fathers Against Drunk Driving. Do you suppose that those who have lost a loved one to a drunk driver take drunk driving lightly? Of course not! Drunk driving cost them something precious in the life of a son or daughter! Many who have lost a loved one may even stand against drinking completely, and rightfully so! They stand against the behavior knowing that nothing good comes from it. The same is true with sin. It cost Jesus His life, so why would Christians treat it lightly?

On the other hand, if we think we must somehow pay God back by our “holy acts,” we have made an error in the opposite direction. As Ephesians 2:9 tells us, our salvation is “not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Just as we can’t earn our salvation before we believe, but can only receive it by faith, so also we can’t pay God back by our works after we receive grace. Grace is simply a gift; there is never a need to pay it back! It would be as silly as trying to pay your parents back for your Christmas or birthday gifts. They were given out of love, with no requirement of repayment. Not to mention, none of our good works would be enough to pay the debt in full anyway!

So, what should the Christian, who has been convicted by the Law but forgiven in the Gospel, do in response to grace? This is where the “third use of the Law” helps us. The third use of the law serves as a “guide” for us. We aren’t required to keep the Law, but we do get to keep the law out of a grateful and full heart. Steven Mueller writes, “Post-conversion, the Law can guide the believer to know and do God’s will (though a sinful person will never be able to do this fully). It gives direction to the grateful response of faith that is looking for ways to thank God and to serve others in God’s name.” When I remember what Christ has done for me, I want to serve Him. I want to be like Him so that others can see His grace through me. The Law, which is a reflection of His holiness, therefore shows me how to be like Him and honor Him through my life! All because I want to, not because I “have to.”

In His grace to us, God has given us the Law to help guide us in a life of faith, but the motivation to follow this guide is the Gospel! Oh, the depth of His love for me! In the light of this Gospel truth, I pray that my life would be a humble offering to Him that He may be glorified through me for His Kingdom’s sake!

Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Evan


The Fear Of Being Average


Law and Gospel: Part 2 - Letter From Pastor Evan