
Children & Youth


Exciting New Sunday School Curriculum!

Our Sunday School classes are starting new curriculum this month!

  • 5th & 6th Grade (Starting 2/9): Winning the Race (Positive Action) – equipping students to run the race of faith.

  • 7th & 8th Grade (Starting 2/16): Pour Out Your Heart (Truth 78) – discovering God as our comfort, refuge, and deliverer.

  • 1st-4th Grade (Starting 2/16): In the Beginning (Truth 78) – exploring the Bible as God’s story, with Jesus at its center.

Our vision at Praise is twofold: first, to provide a place for the children to grow in their knowledge and understanding of who God is and what He has done for them in Christ, and secondly, that they can grow together with other children from our congregation.  

We believe that the primary responsibility for our children’s learning is based in their homes, and we want to encourage and support parents as they teach their children about the Bible.  Therefore, we see Sunday School as complimentary, not primary.  

We also believe in stretching our students to grow in their understanding of the Bible.  This means helping them to see how to learn, and how to study the Bible on their own.  We pray that our students will be drawn to the Word and that they will develop habits that will keep them rooted in the Word for years to come!


Age 3 years - Kindergarten

Grades 1 - 3

Grades 4 - 5

Grades 6 - 8

Grades 9 - 12

Our school-aged students (age 3 to Grade 12) will continue using the curriculum Truth 78.  It is a vision-oriented ministry, and their vision states “…that the next generations may know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God.”   

youth - grade 7 - 12

During the school year, the youth (grade 7 - 12) meet weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm at Praise for fellowship, games, devotions and music.

Check out our Praise Youth Facebook Page or our Youth Instagram to connect with our youth leaders and each other.

September 18th 4:30 PM
PCF Conf. Rm #1

Students in grades 7 - 8 will begin confirmation. If you or someone you know of is interested in these classes or have further questions, please email Pastor Evan at or call the church office at (860) 738-9039.

young adults

young adults

YOUNG ADULTS – (High School graduate and older)

Bible Study

Come join fellow young adults on Thursday nights at 7pm for some fun, fellowship, food and devotions from both Praise and Bethany Lutheran Brethren Church in East Hartland. Meets weekly at various group member’s houses.

Adult sunday school

Adult sunday school

Adult Sunday School (Sept - may: 9am - 9:45am)

Classes are designed to enrich your spiritual journey and deepen your understanding of God's word. Whether you're returning "home" with Sharon, developing your spiritual discipline with Pastor Evan or journeying through the early church with Mike,, there's a place for you in our Sunday School. Don’t miss out—join us and grow in your faith!

Sharon Hansen: “Going Home”
Join Sharon Hansen as she guides us through the powerful narratives of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. These books tell the inspiring story of the Israelites' return from Babylonian captivity. Discover how God orchestrated the rebuilding of the temple, the city walls, and how He protected His people from adversaries. This class challenges us to reflect on our own spiritual journey—are we content where we are, or are we ready to “go home” to where God is calling us?

Pastor Evan: The Spirit of the Disciplines
Discipline isn’t just about restrictions; it’s about growth, excellence, and transformation. Pastor Evan will lead us through a year-long exploration of spiritual disciplines practiced throughout church history. Learn how these practices can deepen your walk with God and mold you into the likeness of Christ as the Holy Spirit works within you. This class will equip you with the tools to excel in your spiritual life, much like an athlete or artist hones their craft.

Mike Eldred: The Sent Ones: Acts of the Jewish Apostles
Begins October 20, 2024

Dive deep into the book of Acts with Mike Eldred as he presents a Messianic Jewish perspective. This study will not only explore the early church's beginnings but will also trace the dramatic shift as Gentiles began embracing Yeshua (Jesus). This class is perfect for those who want to understand the foundational years of our faith and the radical changes that shaped Christianity.



Women Ministry

Bible Studies

Join our robust bible studies with other Praise women.

  • Tuesday afternoons @ 2:00p: Lead by Sharon Hanson in her home or on Facebook Live.

  • Monday Nights @ 6:30p: Lead by Shelley Antuna in the Praise Conference room.

Women's Fellowship Brunch

Meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday at 10am at Praise Christian Fellowship.

Monthly Fellowship

From worship nights, outings, nature hikes and dinners together, our monthly fellowship nights give Praise women opportunity to get to know each other, dive into the Word of God and walk alongside each other.

Women’s Retreat Weekend

Once a year, Praise women join with other women at Tuscarora Inn in PA to strengthen their bond with our loving God and Father. Immerse yourself in a tranquil environment, where you can unwind, rejuvenate, and draw inspiration from fellow women navigating their daily faith journey.

Connect with the Women of Praise on our private Facebook group!



Men's Fellowship Breakfast

Meets monthly on the 4th Saturday at 8am at Praise Christian Fellowship.

Barbarian Games

Held in the fall either at Praise or Bethany Lutheran Brethren Church (Hartland, CT).

Men’s Retreat

Each Fall (usually the last weekend in September) Praise men get together at Tuscarora Inn and Retreat Center in Mt. Bethel, PA.

Service Projects

Throughout the year, we get together to do projects around the church as well as throughout the community. Projects may include punch lists around church; helping a family with yard work or a special need; working with local organizations providing our services.

missions / acts

care / assistance

ACTS (Actively Caring Through Service)

Wednesday prayer meetings

Service Projects

Each year we get together in the Spring to do projects as a community service. Projects may include helping a family with yard work; baking and providing cookies to EMT’s, fire departments, ambulance groups; making crafts for local nursing homes; etc.

Monthly Blood Drive


puppets of praise

A team of young adults, ages 10 years and up who use puppets to spread God's Word. Presentations are in the church service (usually once per month), special church events, and even community events.

Interested in joining the team, but never have done puppets before? That's OK, there will be "on the job" training. This has always been a great working together team having lots of fun, while letting others know about Jesus and how He wants us to live.

Sharing the Gospel through songs that are geared toward the youth; however, adults enjoy them as well!