Law and Gospel: Part 2 - Letter From Pastor Evan

In the study of theology, Law and Gospel are two crucial themes throughout Scripture that must be rightly understood. Last week, we focused on the Law of God, which focuses on God’s standard for our lives and how we fall short of that standard because of our sin. When the Law does its work, we are left to stand before Him speechless and condemned by our sin. Only then can we truly understand what Gospel is.

Part 2 – The Gospel

In the narrow or proper sense, the Gospel could not be any more different than the Law. “Gospel” literally means “good news,” and no news could be better than this…Where the Law demands and coerces obedience, the Gospel offers and delivers the gracious forgiveness of God to sinful people. While the Law describes a righteousness that comes by a person’s good works, (Luke 10:28), it also punishes such “righteousness” when it inevitably fails to meet the absolute standard of God’s holiness. The Gospel on the other hand describes and offers a righteousness that comes as a gift, the righteousness of another that covers the reality of our sin and death. – Steven Mueller, Called to Believe, Teach, and Confess, p.68.

There is no sweeter word than the Gospel once the Law has done its work! When the Law convicts and shows us our total and complete lack of holiness, and when it leaves our mouths completely stopped and without excuse, at that moment the Gospel can be proclaimed. The Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ’s incredible love for us can be fully understood.

Romans 5:8 declares to us, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Though our sin only condemns us, God’s grace is freely offered through Jesus. Though our sin only disqualifies us and bars us from the Kingdom, Jesus, in His love for us and grace to us, extends us the invitation to come in! His invitation doesn’t require or demand our works. He doesn’t demand that we clean ourselves up first before entering. He doesn’t ask that we learn all about the Bible first and there certainly isn’t a secret handshake! He simply bids us, “Come, and receive.”

Through faith, we receive the benefits of Christ’s death and resurrection. Through faith, our sins are buried in the grave and God sees us as pure and holy for Christ’s sake (This is called “justification.” There will be another blog on this incredible word!). In the Gospel all of the work is done by Christ. He simply invites us to come and exchange our sin for His holiness. This is the Gospel!

The Gospel is the sweetest news to someone who has been convicted by the Law. It is the reason that we find joy in Christ, our Savior! The Gospel leads us to worship Him because of His unending love and His incredible grace to us! Our call, therefore is to live in this grace and be reminded of the joy of the Gospel every day!

In Christ,
Pastor Evan


Law and Gospel: Part 3 - Letter From Pastor Evan


Law and Gospel: Part 1 - Letter From Pastor Evan