Is This The End? - Letter From Pastor Evan

Dear Praise Family,

Over the last month (and even longer, really) I have been asked the question, “Are we in the end times?” Most of the time this question is asked by someone who sees the state of the world around us and is scared/nervous/anxious about what the future holds for them, their families, and their loved ones. When we watch the news, it is hard not to be drawn into this thinking; it certainly seems that our world is coming to an end!

In the 1500’s, Martin Luther had this distinct feeling the world was ending and for many of the same reasons that we do! He wrote, “Wars at the present time are of such a character as to make former wars appear as a mere child's play,” (Luther’s Works, vol 6. p.410) and, “There are such storms and tempests and waters rolling as have never before been seen or heard.” Not to mention that Luther also lived during 1520’s when “The Black Death” or bubonic plague, made its way back through Wittenberg, Germany where Luther lived. Wars, climate change, pandemics, and shifting cultural beliefs were all things that Luther dealt with in his time, and he preached often that the world was nearing its end! Sound familiar?

The truth is, the world is ending. Each day we move closer to that where the Lord promised to return for those who have faith in Him. Each day, while we live on this earth which is constrained by time, the grains of sand in the hourglass slip away. And as these days slip away, we move closer to that day where time will cease and eternity will begin. For the church, our hope is that as time draws to an end that we will be brought into that Eternal Kingdom that will never end, that place that Jesus has prepared for those who trust in Him through faith. Jesus says, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am, you may be also,” (John 14:3). Our hope is in this place, prepared for us by Christ.

So, why do we want to know if these are the end times? For many, it is to protect themselves and their loved ones from the calamities that will come with the end. Many want to know if the end is near so they know how to be as comfortable as possible and limit suffering as we move toward the end. And who wouldn’t! We all love comfort! We all like safety! But is this what is most important? Is this how God would have us to prepare for the end?

As the Day of the Lord’s return draws near, what God really cares about is His Kingdom and that those who are far from God will draw near to Him! In Ephesians 5:15-16, the Apostle Paul writes, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” To make the “best use of the time” means that rather than wasting our days focusing on the things that will pass away when time is no more, focus instead on the eternal, “because the days are evil.” As believers, making the best use of our time in evil days is speaking the Good News of the Gospel of Christ, so that the lost might be saved! Jesus said, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal,” (Matthew 6:19-20). We all know that we can’t bring our earthly riches with us when we go to glory. But in proclaiming God’s Word, a work of eternal significance, our neighbors hear of salvation in Christ, His invitation to believe, and the hope of glory for them, too! In proclaiming the Kingdom, these good works are stored up as treasures in heaven, just like Christ said!

What if the world is ending? Luther’s solution was to proclaim his hope of the Kingdom of heaven so that sinners may be rescued by God’s incredible grace. His solution was to worry about men’s souls, not his own possessions, protection, and status. And Christ’s solution is for us to proclaim our hope, the Gospel of Christ, even more urgently as we see time coming to an end, making the best use of our time so that others may hear of His incredible grace and of a Kingdom that will never end!

Sincerely in Christ,

Pastor Evan


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